Today, three horizons focus our efforts. Schools Church Nepal
With strict demarcations between our spheres of operation, we help schools with world-leading, evidence-based wellbeing programs, churches to care for the young people within their communities, and Nepali people to resist trafficking. We are a collaborative and creative community helping organisations ensure young people under their care flourish.
Youth Dimension loves to serve the local Church by equipping and working with all denominations to provide resources, training and programs. In addition to what YD already runs, we would love to hear from your church about any ideas for collaboration.
Evidence-based approaches ensure YD validly measures the wellbeing of school populations. Based on subjective wellbeing homeostasis theory, we are the only organisation with a repository of student data large enough to produce a normative range for constructs demonstratively associated with resilience and wellbeing. Our reporting assists leaders in making informed decisions regarding the wellbeing of student populations.
With so many options during VCE, why take a subject with us? Basically, in terms of combining discipleship, character growth and practical training, we think we’re the best. Come experience life-changing transformation through our Gravitate course!
Experience a year of radical spiritual growth. This is the original YD course that has been changing lives since 1987. YD is an industry leader in discipleship and equipping young people for a life of mission. Could it be that Jesus is calling you to take this leap of faith with us?
This lunchtime program delivers evidence-based wellbeing content by connecting trained volunteers with local Primary School communities in a fun and engaging way.
Youth Dimension
(03) 9844
Level 2, Building 2
630 Mitcham Rd
Mitcham VIC 3132
ABN 18 005 542 601
Youth Dimension acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the lands we live on.
We pay our respects to all Elders, past and present, of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nations.